Getting Started

Colleen Rawlings
Clinical Hypnotherapist
"Hello, my name is Colleen and I want to help you on your journey to a better you. Whatever you are struggling with, we can work together to help you through it - giving you the inner strength to live your life to the fullest. You can visit me at my consultation room in Maidstone, Kent or alternatively we can arrange a session via Skype if travelling is physically or emotionally difficult. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you would like to know more."
Free Initial Consultation Get in Touch
Are you battling with chronic pain? Is it impacting your ability to enjoy life? Hypnotherapy can help you control pain sensation using only the power of your sub-concious mind - not only during our session but in everyday situations.

Are you paralysed by fear in certain situations? Is you fear preventing you from spending time with family and friends? Hypnotherapy can help you control your response to frightening situations, allowing you to overcome the block that is holding you back.

Are you struggling with the loss of a loved one? Grief is a powerful emotion, which can lead to isolation and a feeling of powerlessness. Hynotherapy can help you to cope with loss.