Improve your life
New Year, New You!
Take a step towards a better life. Unlock the door to a happier, healthier you.
We all know that at this time of year everyone sets themselves new goals or resolutions. It’s a New Year so time for a new start, right? We like to set ourselves goals – sometimes they are achievable but often can be a little bit unrealistic. They may be reasons behind why you’re not achieving what you want to which, we will explore, but I’m a firm believer that goal setting is the best way to start – it gets you to focus on something that you specifically want to achieve, improve or perhaps overcome.
As you start to focus on your goal, you are setting the scene and together we can prepare the fertile soil so you can, with my help, start to sow then grow and nurture the seeds for change. If we prepare the ground now you will feel better about yourself that you have taken the first step. Even the longest and most difficult ventures have a starting point; something which begins with one first step.
Now is a great time to look at the New Year as an opportunity for an early Spring clean - cleaning up those areas in your life which are holding you back or getting in your way.
For example:
- You want to shed the excess weight you’ve accumulated over the festive season. Imagine now that you have more energy once that excess weight starts falling off and you can enjoy compliments being bestowed upon you as you fit into clothes that you once dreamed of wearing.
- You’ve had enough of the health hazards of smoking. Imagine now that you might find that you have more money in your purse or wallet once you’ve quit smoking. You might also find that your breathing improves and you start sleeping better. That is just the start - you might just discover that controlled breathing in and out correctly relaxes you without the need for nicotine.
- You desire the confidence to tackle new ventures or interests. Imagine now a new career, a new hobby or even love if you are unattached!
So let’s ask some questions:
- Do you listen to or ignore your feelings and emotions (gut feelings)?
- Do you swallow and digest unhealthy talk or criticism from yourself or others?
- Do you self sabotage your efforts because you talk yourself down or out of something?
- Do you sense that you are a victim of circumstances - but you actually want to be a victor?
- Do you find yourself procrastinating?
- Do you struggle to cope with everyday pressures due to stress and anxiety?
- Are you fearful of starting something new, overwhelmed or just finding lots of excuses or do you talk yourself out of it, do you talk yourself down?
If you’ve answered 'yes' or even 'maybe' to any of these then NOW is the time to start taking real sustainable positive action.
Did you know that Hypnotherapy is a proven technique that will help you focus and achieve your goals and intentions?
Hypnotherapy is simply a state of focussed attention and while you focus inward, you are simultaneously being guided into total relaxation, and your mind will be responsive to positive suggestions for change to happen. It feels as if you are daydreaming while you luxuriate in the feeling of just letting go of stresses and everyday cares. Hypnotherapy is extremely therapeutic and enormously nourishing for your whole well-being. it is safe and you are always in control.
I’m currently offering a FREE 90-Minute one-to-one session where I can get to know you, the goals you want to achieve or the things holding you back. This initial step allows us plenty of time to also dig a little deeper and I can also include your first relaxation and transformational hypnotherapy session, if you are ready to take that first step.
The number of sessions you may need varies according to the presenting issue, how long it has been a problem for, and how strong is your commitment and motivation to make the changes you want or most need. In my experience, the majority of people notice an improvement and sometimes a significant difference in their thought patterns, their feelings and they way they are behaving. This happens without conscious awareness as we are re-programming your unconscious mind. The first session usually is information-gathering and we can then take time to really get to understand your specific needs and drill down to what’s really bothering you. The whole process of this change work would normally be approximately 6 sessions but some people see changes sooner or some may take longer - depending on the severity and complexity of the problem.
Please get in touch today to claim your free introductory session, in order to start your journey towards a new you.